By Bixyl Shuftan
It seems people have been playing Massive Multiplayer Online games, or MMOs, for ages. It was twenty years ago yesterday. For many, the first they ever played was "World of Warcraft," which started in 2003. But MMOs have been around for a few years longer. It was twenty years ago this week that the first MMO that achieved much popularity, "Ultima Online,' was launched on September 24, 1997.

One of the games more memorable events occurred in it's beta in which the in-game alter-ego of Garriot, Lord British, was successfully killed by a player character. Lord British was supposed to be invulnerable to this kind of attack, but a server crash had made him vulnerable. This event is considered by some to be the most memorable event in early MMO history, and led to the saying "If it exists as a living creature in an MMORPG, someone, somewhere, will try to kill it."
Ultima Online was the first MMO to reach 100,000 subscribers in popularity, having done so within six months of it's release, and by July 2003 reached its peak at around 250,000 players. But after this, the game's numbers would steadily decline, going back to about 100,000 in 2008 and then had less than one percent of the the total market share of MMOs, probably due to the introduction and great success of World of Warcraft which would dominate MMO gaming for about a decade. Developed under Origin Systems, in 2004 Origin folded and the game was managed directly by the parent company Electronic Arts. In 2006, Mythic Entertainment merged with EA, and the game came under it's direction. In 2014, control was transferred to the Broadsword studio.
Ultima Online still active. To celebrate their twentieth anniversary, they had a real-life party in Herndon, Virginia, near Washington DC. They also have a new content arc, "The Shattered Obelisk." So after twenty years, presumably with some of it's original players still at it and some new ones who weren't even born yet when it first came around, "UO" is still offering players the chance to do some monster clobbering and dungeonering.
Sources: Ultima Online, Wikipedia
Hat tip: Hamlet Au
Bixyl Shuftan