by Rita Mariner
Have you ever wanted to be a farmer? Well in real life, I had several relatives who were, so playing this new addiction, was like coming home for me. I saw a couple of my Second Life friends playing this on line video game and finally decided to check it out, on Steam. Farm Simulator 17 ( it is up to 19 now). I started to play and once you figure it out, can be quite addicting.

You can play the game, either as a single player, or in multi-player, your choice, You also get a choice of maps to pick from to play on. I have only done Goldcrest, so I have no idea what the others have to offer. You can grow crops of 10 different types, raise livestock or doing logging, depending on the farm you pick.
You start out with a basic set of farm equipment, I have three tractors, cultivator, sower, harvester, pickup truck, tipper, a house you can't use. a silo and some sheds and out buildings. You also start out in debt, $55,000. Each day at midnight, you are hit with vehicle maintenance, land maintenance and debt maintenance, so you better start earning some money off your 3 fields right away.

Now if you decide to start off on Goldcrest map, there is an interesting feature to that map. 100 Gold Nuggets! If you find all 100 Gold Nuggets, the game will credits you with 1 Million in game dollars. To help you out, you only have to find the first 10, once you stumble across them, which really isn't all that hard. The first one is in your Chicken Coop. The other 90 will pop up on the map and you just have to move to them to collect them. Most are fairly easy to collect. Others are more difficult, you will need one of your tractors, so you will have a means to climb up to get to the roofs of several of the buildings where the nuggets resided.
How you spend you Million Dollars, once you get is pretty much up to you. I spent mine, paying off my debt and then buying all the Baling equipment I would need. Also picked up a 4th field and added a couple of upgrades to my land, to boost my income. Like Bee houses and Solar panels.

As you play, you will unlock achievements, I have completed about half of mine, going broke is one I doubt I will make, since I always have a positive bank balance.

So if you looking for a game that is relatively slow paced, yet has some challenge to it, Farm Simulator 17 or 19 might fit your bill. It's a nice way to spend a couple hours, racing around a field at 6mph!
Rita Mariner