By Bixyl Shuftan
A few years ago, Nydia Tungsten wrote about the multiplayer online game of Archeage. The game had a few features that got her attention, such as a playable race of feline people, a crafting system that was more detailed than other MMOs she had seen, and a court system where those whom harass other players can be put on a trial by jury of other players. While this probably reduces the overall level of misbehavior, probably, it's also the way players become pirates, which is a topic in itself. As for those sentenced by the jury, they're sent to prison.
A few days ago, Umbra Gardenvale told me, "Someone did a foolish thing. (She) got curious if they could fly over the wallls of the Solis Prison, nd got slapped with the prisioners debuff. And now (she) has to wait for the debuff to expire before she can leave." That someone was Jasmine Dawn, whom Umbra snapped a picture of her in prison clothes. "'What happens to Jazz when she's out exploring ArcheAge'," she commented to me.
Jasmine went on to describe her predicament, "Umbra stands outside the gates laughing his butt off while I run around assaulting prisoners looking for a tower key. ...I still managed to get the tower key, twice, ... That lets you inside." And once in, "you get 'freedom wings,' it's a bedsheet with four ropes ... a parachute." What one is supposed to do to escape is, "you sail your butt off the top of the tower, splash down in the ocean and swim your fuzzy butt to Austera." But Umbra told that's not quite what happened with Jasmine, "by 'Sail' she means 'fall in a semi controlled manner' ...Damn near killed yourself jumping out a tower window." Jasmine responded, "(I) sailed the hell out before the debuff hit me again. At least the trusty, dusty ground was there to catch me. I made it to the water, told Umbra he was on his own and i swam for Austera. Freeedom!!!!!"
Jasmine has been up to other adventures in Archeage, such as dungeon crawls and getting a fishing boat. But the jailbreak is something that stands out as nowhere else has she been in that sort of situation.
Source: Archeage Gamepedia
Bixyl Shuftan
That's mah story and I'm stickin to it. Sure exploring is fun, never know what you might find or experience. ArcheAge being such a vast world full of all manor of people. You could spend hours.. days just exploring everything. From crafting and questing; Fishing (my fave) to raids and factions wars. Oh and watch that last step jumping off the top that tower if your ever in Solis Prison.